Sunday, May 26, 2013

Canon Henry Oskens, 1535

This beautiful religious brass originated in Cologne, Germany, and is currently located at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

The inscription translates "Henry Oskens, Cantor and Canon of this Church, had me made while he was living, pray for him. He died A.D. 1535 the last day of November"

The elaborate engraving in this brass depicts Henry Oskens kneeling at the feet of the Madonna with the Christ Child. To the left is St. Peter, and on the right, above Henry Oskens, is a figure believed to be Charlesmagne, Holy Roman Emperor, shown with the Orb of that position. The bull depicted in the shield above the inscription, symbolizes St. Luke. Within the architectural columns surrounding these images there is a Herald Angel on the left and St. Martha on the right.  The brass has extensive traces of coloring applied to the whole surface.

Rubbings of the whole brass as well as portions of details such as the Madonna and Child, the Herald Angel, or St Peter may be ordered from the Wachs Brass Rubbing Centre.

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