Thursday, July 4, 2013

George Washington

This brass is one of a very limited edition made in England to commemorate the American Bicentenary in 1976. The original design is the work of Roger Jones, and was engraved by Ray Hedger. The design reflects the classical style so popular for memorials in English churches around 1776.

Washington was of English descent, and was living on his American estate at Mount Vernon when the dispute between the British home government and the colonists broke out. He became one of the leaders of the local opposition and later was elected to the first Congress at Philadelphia. The following year, 1775, saw him as Commander in Chief of the American Army, and from that time to the end of the struggle in 1783 he was trusted and loved by the people. He became the first President of the republic in 1789, served a second term, but refused election to a third term. 

The brass acquired by the Wachs Brass Rubbing Centre while located in England, was actually delivered on July 4, 1976. Rubbings of it are available in a choice of colors.

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