Bishop Jean Avantage
This monumental brass was created in honor of Bishop Jean Avantage. He is buried in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Amiens, France. He is shown kneeling before the enthroned Virgin and Child and has his mitre before him on a checked floor and holds a crozier. He is wearing a cope with the fleur de lys and a maniple hangs over his left wrist. He is being presented to the Virgin and Child by his Patron Saint John the Evangelist who is seen standing behind him with his right arm out stretched. Saint John is holding his attribute, a chalice from which a small dragon can be seen emerging. This is a reference to the legend of the poisoned cup in which the poison came out of the cup in the form of a dragon before Saint John drank the wine. In the background is a rich tapestry backcloth, which has foliage and small birds.
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